Bill Maher Sucks

Let me tell you why

Jan Blount
7 min readNov 12, 2022

There have only been a handful of tv shows that I’ve ever considered as must-watch, or by-appointment television. You know — the ones that you set your DVR or Vivo for, or arrange your other activities around. Bill Maher’s HBO show Real Time used to be solidly in that number. I found his insights into American society and politics refreshingly honest and thought- stimulating. He was an avowed, unabashed liberal. He was a champion for Barack Obama’s candidacy and presidency. He never missed a chance to slam conservative policies that supported racism, misogyny, or homophobia. He was (and still is) loudly outspoken about legalizing marijuana and other drugs, for recreational use. It seemed to me that on every issue that needed people to take a stand and speak up, he was coming correct.

So, I was a big fan, but I want to mention something, just for context. Probably the main reason why I wasn’t an even more enthusiastic fan of Maher’s was his near-militant atheism. I’m okay with his being an atheist. To each his own. Live and let live. I just never agreed with the way he can’t restrain his mocking of others’ faith in a deity. I understand and even partially agree with the popular notion that organized religion has caused more harm than good. But it has always struck me as a useless, and strangely personal exercise of his — to attack and insult even the idea



Jan Blount

Educated, but averse to sophistry. I write about what I know, what angers me and what moves me. I ponder about race, politics, and whether true love exists.