My Impressions of House of the Dragon

A beautiful, shallow world

Jan Blount
4 min readSep 15, 2022

I think I got a similar first impression that a lot of others got, after viewing the first two episodes. I felt relieved that they had taken the time to create a show that was worthy of the viewing time of all the millions who were loyal to Game of Thrones.

Raenyra Targaryen

The costuming, the CGI, the cinematography, just the general “feel” of the show put me right back in that delicious state of mind -where I’m ready to be transported for an hour by a fantasy on a Sunday night. I felt relief, and a sort of a sense of encouragement that “must see tv” was back.

But there was another creeping feeling I was getting. I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was until episode 3.

Watching that episode, I started to actively search for redeeming qualities in the characters. That creeping feeling ended up being a slow realization that I viscerally disliked practically every single character in this show. UGH. Like a thud in the pit of my stomach was the realization that the characters either bored or disgusted me.

I have a kind of quiet, lowkey rule in my consumption of fiction: There have got to be characters that strike me as basically good, or interesting in some way that makes me invest in wanting to know what happens to them as the story unfolds. So I…



Jan Blount

Educated, but averse to sophistry. I write about what I know, what angers me and what moves me. I ponder about race, politics, and whether true love exists.