There could never be a black Andy Sipowicz.

Not on American TV.

Jan Blount


I wish there was a show like NYPD Blue with a black Andy Sipowicz. I’m not talking about having a bitter, middle-aged Polish-American cop just happen to be black (Are there even black people in Poland?). Our black “Sipowicz” could be native New Yorker; born and raised in the Bronx. We could call him ‘Andrew Franklin’. I’m talking about having a high drama with a black central character that is as flawed and brutal and petty and racist and misogynistic as Sipowicz, but that finds universal favor with the audience because…



Jan Blount

Educated, but averse to sophistry. I write about what I know, what angers me and what moves me. I ponder about race, politics, and whether true love exists.