Trans Loyalty Pledge; TERF Loyalty Pledge

I’m just treading water here

Jan Blount
3 min readNov 8, 2022
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I was just reading about the ongoing war between JK Rowling and Transgender people.

I hate “bothsideism” when it pertains to arguments between the political left and right, because in my opinion it is a dodge of the manifest fact that there is much more that is destructive and hateful on the right side. But I’m guilty of doing a little of the both sides dance myself when it comes to this particular fight. Sorry, but I think I see points of sense on both sides.

In any case, my struggle to achieve an enlightened level of serene wisdom from which I can gaze down at this conflict is not what I wanted to talk about.

I wanted to talk about the rigidity that I’ve seen in the way the two sides approach each other. They both seem to have sort of a ‘statement of loyalty’ or a pledge of allegiance that, if you don’t say it, you are labeled the enemy.

For the Trans-friendly side, the phrase of loyalty that you MUST say or be branded a transphobe is, “Trans Women Are Women”. If you don’t say that in exactly that way, with no hesitancy, word substitutions, or additions, you are the enemy.

For the TERF side, the short pledge of loyalty that must be repeated with hand raised and while peering into a camera which is…



Jan Blount

Educated, but averse to sophistry. I write about what I know, what angers me and what moves me. I ponder about race, politics, and whether true love exists.